Run! Run for your lives!
cats, Short stories, Stuff I hate October 2nd, 2007We’ve all had moments where something fortunate happens to us and it can’t be explained by logic or reason. Some call it luck, some call it fate, some call it divine intervention. One of those moments happened to me this week.
WARNING! The post includes the following: cats, rodents and bugs. If you’re turned off by any of these things, I urge you to click away now and come back tomorrow.
When I started this blog two months ago, I vowed it wouldn’t turn into a blog about my cats. Just so you know, it’s still not going to be a cat blog, but this story does involve a cat, so I have to make an exception. It’s more about bugs, which isn’t much better.
First, let’s meet Stinky.
Stinky is one of our first cats together. We got her and her brother from some friends almost 15 years ago. Her brother, Calvin, is since deceased (RIP buddy). In human equivalent years, Stinky would be on Medicare by now. She’s a self-confident old girl whose partying days are behind her. She doesn’t care, for instance, that this pose is not a good look for her. She lets it all hang out and we let her do whatever she wants. At her age, she’s pretty harmless.
However, there are times when she surprises us and acts all kitteny and spry. About two years ago, she shocked us by bagging her first mouse (I’ll spare you the picture, and yes, I took a picture). We didn’t witness her kill her prey, we only saw the damage. She dropped it on the patio and then laid down next to it, all proud of herself. Luckily for us, the mouse was gone the next day and we didn’t have to worry how to dispose of it. We presume it met its second demise at the claws of some other ravaging animal that happened upon a free lunch. Such is nature.
After the mouse incident, we realized Stinky’s days of being harmless were over and now we had to be mindful of whatever she set her eyes on out in the yard, whether it be bugs, birds or chipmunks. No one is safe now.
Fast forward to this week. I’m reading a book all comfortable on my nice new couch and for reasons unknown I decide to check on Stinky. Despite the collar she wears to keep her within the bounds of our invisible fence, she’s been known to not care too much about the shock fence and sometimes crosses it despite the zap to her neck.
When I look out back, I’m instantly relieved to see her still on the patio, but this relief quickly turns to fear when I see that she’s crouched over the edge of the porch staring at something. This can’t be good, since cats stare at only two things:
- Imaginary objects that exist only in their pea brains.
- Living things that are smaller than them that they’re thinking of killing.
I’m instantly aware it’s something in Category #2. I can just about make out what that something is — looks like a meaty spider. But because it’s fairly dark outside, I can only make a positive ID if I get within inches of it.
I don’t have many choices here. Get closer and see what it is, and freak out. Consider that whatever it is might jump on me when I get very close, and freak out. Pick Stinky up by the hind legs and drag her away from what she wants to maim, kill and eat, and freak out. Basically, I’m freaking out. And Dave is nowhere to be found, so that is not an option either.
With my crappy options, I proceed anyway. I opt for picking Stinky up by her backside and she begins to growl at me. Not a problem, since I don’t have far to get her in the house. When I get to the door and deposit her inside, I glance back to see what it was she was so intent on investigating.
Meet the praying mantis.
I suspect what I thought was a balled-up spider was just the head of this thing. What will give me nightmares for months to come was the fact that it RAN AFTER ME while I was carrying Stinky inside. I barely made it in before I slammed the door shut on it.
Can someone please explain to me why bugs can’t just simply be gross? Do they also have to torment me by chasing me down?
It was long, ugly and FAST! Apparently they can attack and kill prey larger than themselves. Read more about that here, but only if you’re not eating right now.
Once safely inside, with the door shut, I began to thank God that I got up off the couch when I did. I don’t know what made me go check on Stinky, but I’m convinced if I hadn’t done it at that exact moment, I would have had to try and get this disgusting creature out of her mouth somehow, some way. I can barely think about it without wanting to throw up. I like to think it was divine intervention that saved me.
I’m sorry if I grossed anyone out here, but if you stuck with the story, thanks. You’re a better person than me.

October 3rd, 2007 at 2:04 am
October 3rd, 2007 at 3:09 am
If those photos are actual size, the bug is bigger than the cat.
Good thing you got there in time.
October 3rd, 2007 at 9:31 am
@ Kitty, Kev — I give you both credit for reading to the end. And Kev, in my mind, the bug seemed bigger than the cat at the time.
October 3rd, 2007 at 10:17 am
That is the one thing that’s great about living in Nova Scotia….there is nothing larger than a nickel living her….as bugs go anyway.
October 3rd, 2007 at 10:21 am
@ Evel – That reminds me. I don’t know how people can live in Florida. The stories I’ve heard about the bugs! Between the unbearable heat and the pet-sized bugs, I don’t know why anyone would want to live there.
Do I have any Florida readers? How do you cope with the insects?
October 3rd, 2007 at 11:04 am
Wow. I would squish that bug with something ASAP.
October 3rd, 2007 at 11:07 am
@ Regan, see squishing is not an option either. That would require I actually confront it. I’d have to get a good look at it, and I’m not into looking at it. Besides it was running too fast. I’m sure my aim would have been off.
October 3rd, 2007 at 7:38 pm
EWWWWWwwwww! (and AWWwwwww – I heart Stinky! I, too, have to restrain myself from writing a “cat blog”).
I didn’t click on the link about praying mantises – that photo will give me nightmares for months. Can I move to Novia Scotia with evel?
October 3rd, 2007 at 9:42 pm
@ J.D. Yeah, Stinky rocks! She’s the sweetest cat ever.
I’ve never seen a praying mantis in my yard before and I hope I never see another one again. There was a dead bird in the yard last week, but I can handle that. It’s the bugs that give me the heebie jeebies.
October 3rd, 2007 at 10:35 pm
Lucky for you you escaped. It chased you??? Holy crap… that would haunt me too. Lucky for me they don’t live this far north. I would be joining you in the Freak Out department.
October 3rd, 2007 at 10:48 pm
@ Maureen — Swear to God, it ran! I couldn’t believe how far it got by the time I slipped through the door. It was RIGHT behind me. Freak, freak bug, I tell ya. Hope I never see another one again.
January 3rd, 2008 at 12:09 pm
Yea, Stinky eating it might have been sort of a disaster, besides being gross and all that. A praying mantis (BIG ONE, OMG) jumped on me once while in an elevator and only after 5 minutes of incessant screaming and jumping around did i get it off. It had really really sharp needle-like thingies on it’s legs and didn’t want to let go of my shirt/skin close to my arms. Ouchy it was! I reckon it would be much more painful inside someone or something’s mouth.
usws’s last blog post..It’s 2008 Already?
January 3rd, 2008 at 2:17 pm
usws — I’m sufficiently grossed out now. I’m starting to feel something crawl on me just from having read that account. Please don’t do that again 🙂
January 13th, 2008 at 10:40 am
Am I the only one who read this without getting grossed out? I like praying mantises.
Dude, one time, my friends and I found some TINY baby praying mantises, and I had some of my 1/6 action figures on-hand, so we got some pictures of one of my figures holding a baby mantis. The mantis fit in the figure’s hand quite well, since it was only about the size of my thumbnail (I have small hands for my height). And then the mantis crawled onto the figure’s head (said figure was wearing a hoodie, so it was pretty easy to climb on). It was so cute. ^^
January 13th, 2008 at 3:27 pm
z-kun — Yes, I think you may be the only one who’s not freaked out here! Cute about the praying mantis in the hoodie. As for me, I’m “praying” i never see another one again.
September 23rd, 2008 at 4:13 am
My cat hunt nothing except cockroaches!
And he eating nothing except fresh fried fish!
He is the king of our house.
September 24th, 2008 at 6:38 pm
Designer Handbags — Sounds like it! I never want my cats to eat gross bugs because one time I allowed my Calvin to eat something big and he didn’t finish it. He had legs hanging out of his mouth. Ewww!
March 7th, 2009 at 8:39 pm
I for one don’t like big creepy bugs either. I have an outside cat and so far she has no shown me any “little” gifts of any type. I hope she keeps it that way.
March 8th, 2009 at 5:08 pm
Shelly — It was easy for us to forget our cats’ primal instincts. Until they started killing stuff in the back yard. I haven’t looked at this post in a long while and now I feel like I have a praying mantis on me! Yuck-o!
July 27th, 2009 at 11:16 am
That cat looks just like me after happy hour. Only the cat is less harry. Harry Potter that is.