Diva for a Day
Blogging December 17th, 2008 I do frump really well, but today I’m a diva!
I had the honor of being interviewed by Vivienne at the deliciously spicy Diva Cosmos blog. Aside from giving me a really big head, she asked me a lot of great questions about one of the best parts of my blog — the comments!
Vivienne’s interview gave me a chance to reflect on why I think The Junk Drawer gets the number of comments it does, and how important they and my readers are to me.
I’ve always said that half the fun of blogging is reading through the comments after each post. If people stopped talking, I’d close up shop and slink away.
Click here to read the interview. If you have any follow-up questions, drop ’em here or over at Vivienne’s place. You know comments are welcome!

December 20th, 2008 at 11:57 am
Ferd! — I’m blushing! Thank you so much. What a high honor. I’m all verklempt!
Father Muskrat — Oh, darnit! What would blogging be without bugs and hiccups? Thank you. I’m so glad Vivienne invited me to do the interview. One thing I really wanted people to know was that comments didn’t come for me overnight. Blood, sweat and tears, baby!
Swubird — Thank you so much, bud. The feeling is mutual. So when you writin’ that book already? And Merry Christmas to you as well. Not long now!
Steve — My husband is the big Buffy fan and I know tons of people who were Buffy addicts. The book is a nice follow-up to a show missed by many.
Momo Fali — Oh, what women would do for your milky, clear skin! I’m still getting zits into my 40s. No one ever told me that would happen. Dammit.
Babs beetle — I can understand on some blogs that get a zillion comments, but if you only get a few, they should be responded to. I hate feeling left out in the cold. Your comments section is like a party, too! I like going back to read what others have to say, and you answer them quickly, which is a bonus. Good show!
The Mind of a Mom — You’re absolutely right. That’s what I always say. If I can make someone laugh for a few minutes, my job is done. Oh wow! I just saw you wrote up a piece about my blog. So nice of you, thanks! Pop Goes the Weasel is one of my all-time favorites. Glad you liked it!
meleah rebeccah — You do what you do very well and your recent good fortune is fun to follow!
December 20th, 2008 at 3:41 pm
Fun interview! You are my comment idol!
Musing’s last blog post..Secret Santa Can Suck It!
December 23rd, 2008 at 8:16 am
I read the interview yesterday. I found it from the blog, Behind the Bit. I really enjoyed reading your thoughts. It’s really remarkable to see how many comments you get and it sure must make you feel great. Thanks for sharing your blogging secrets.
Mountain Woman’s last blog post..Goodbye For The Holidays
December 23rd, 2008 at 7:53 pm
Musing — Thank you! Some days I can’t believe it myself how many people leave comments here. Warms my heart.
Mountain Woman — Glad you made it over! I love Behind the Bit. Stacey’s an amazing writer, and I don’t know how she holds down a demanding job, takes care of her horses, rides and trains, and writes a blog! Yes, I feel great every time I check in and see what readers have to say. They always make me laugh and I feel like I get more from blogging than is fair.