10 Things I Don’t Have the Guts to Do
Posted by Kathy on February 9th, 2008 Fear keeps me from doing a lot of things in my life and I hate that. I think that’s part of the reason I read a lot of non-fiction books about people who’ve faced incredible challenges and go on to do amazing things. I live through their bravery and maybe — just maybe — it’ll teach me I can do more than I think I can.
Here’s a sampling of the things I’d never have the guts to do:
1. Sing in public. I have no singing voice to speak of. Once, Dave heard me singing along to a song in the car and he quickly turned down the radio to hear me. I got so embarrassed, although he said the little bit he heard was so nice and I should do it more.
2. Sky dive. The thought of it makes me ill, but the desire to say I’ve done something so insane looms large.
3. Join my local writer’s group. I’ve toyed with the idea of attending a meeting of my local writer’s group, just to hear what real writers talk about. I want to learn what it takes to publish a book, but I’m afraid I’ll overhear “Who let the blogger in?”
4. Take a trip on a plane all by myself. I’ve never done it (or had to do it, thank God). I’m directionally-challenged in the worst way. I’m afraid I’d get lost in an airport, lose my ticket, get on the wrong plane, or de-plane at the wrong city. If I ever had to do it for some reason, I’d need one of those airline babysitters whose job it is to see that small children traveling alone get where they’re going. Not kidding.
5. Be a waitress. Not that I would ever need to be, since I’m gainfully employed at the moment. However, I consider waitressing to be such a ridiculously difficult job that I’m an obscenely generous tipper. I can’t understand how a person can take multiple orders, with special requests, write it all down and get it all correct, all while waiting on six other tables. One time I watched a server take a lengthy, specialized order from my husband and me IN HIS HEAD. I remarked for a couple minutes at how impressed I was with his talent. I thought “Uh oh. I’m making him forget our order.” He didn’t. Blew. My. Mind.
6. Wear open-toed shoes. I wish I could, but I just can’t. If you saw my feet, you’d understand. Picture five gnarly, baby potatoes attached to each foot.
7. Fire a gun. Come to think of it, I can barely look at a real gun. I don’t know why. Maybe I’ve seen too many crime movies. Guns scare the crap out of me.
8. Ride a horse. Aside from my fear that I’m too heavy for a horse to support me, I have visions of being thrown and landing in a back-breaking, never-walk-again kind of way.
9. Drive in New York City. I live only 75 minutes from the city. I imagine all the weekend getaways I’m missing because I can’t dream of driving there or getting around in my own car. Yes, there are buses and taxis, but it would be nice to hop in my car at a moment’s notice and be able to get there and tool around town on my own.
10. Be a parent. I’ve no doubt it’s the hardest job in the world. I’ve always said I could easily get through a pregnancy and childbirth with flying colors. It’s everything that comes after that has me shakin’ in my shoes. Hats off to all the parents out there. I’m in total awe of you.
Now it’s your turn. Anything you’d love to try in your lifetime, but don’t have the guts for? Have you ever tried something and regretted it?
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