
Posted by Kathy on September 19th, 2012

I surrender. I’ve been trying to come up with blog posts for the last few weeks and I got nothin’.

Literally nothing.

1.  I bought a new cube fridge for my office. It’ll keep my coffee creamer and lunch nice and cold. Ooooo! Riveting!

2. Some crazy squirrels keep leaving nut shells on my chair on the patio. There are four chairs, but they keep picking the one I sit in. How do they know it’s my chair and why are they messing with me?

3. I have a favorite pair of shorts that are hard to replace. There’s a big hole in the crack and now I can’t be seen in public in them. Not even to check the mailbox. I am sad. I also don’t sew, so don’t even suggest it.

4. I’m almost out of dish detergent.

5. I cleaned the inside of my car’s windshield and not very well. You sort of need octopus arms to do it right.

6. Happy event: As I’m losing weight, going to the gym again, my pants are falling down. Falling down pants are very motivating.

7. I filled my car with gas yesterday and it came to $25.01. Not $25.00 on the nose. The penny over distressed me.

I defy you to come up with anything more boring than this. What is possibly going on in your lives that is less interesting?

I seriously wanna hear it.


A Low-Carb, No Sweets Birthday

Posted by Kathy on August 31st, 2012

This is the sort of thing you get for your birthday when you’re watching your carbs and sweets.

You get a bacon-wrapped meatloaf cake and you love your husband for keeping you on the straight and narrow.

meatloaf cake

I’m back to the gym and losing all the weight I regained last year while I was nursing injuries to my knees. Down 7lbs so far. Go me!

As an aside, today my family got to make fun of me again for something I loudly proclaimed as a child when this day rolled around.

I’d run around screaming “My birthday’s the laaaaaast day!

For some reason, I thought it was a very special thing to have a birthday that landed at the end of a month.

As though millions of others weren’t having the same birthday as me. My last day is really something! It’s the LAST DAY, people!

My siblings would all roll their eyes and chime in with the month because you just can’t go around sounding so stupid.

And so, for the last several decades, whenever it’s my birthday, my family calls and leaves me messages: “My birthday’s the laaaaaast day!!!! …….. OF AUGUST!

And that is how my August 31st went and shall go forever more.

Thank you everyone for all the lovely Facebook birthday wishes. I did wind up getting cupcakes. I cheated, but not too much.

I’ll take care of that on the elliptical tomorrow.

Have a great weekend, y’all!

Dumpster Diving FAIL

Posted by Kathy on August 9th, 2012

My mother is moving out of her apartment soon and so my sister, bless her heart, is doing the bulk of packing.

I’ve been supplying her with boxes from work and she’s picked up a bunch from places herself. But you never have enough boxes when you’re moving, do you?

We learned today that my mom’s apartment has to be vacated sooner than we thought, so our need for boxes just skyrocketed.

I told my sister I’ll just go drive around and dumpster dive. No problem.

Problem, meet Kathy. Kathy, meet problem.

My obstacles:

1. It had just rained. Hard.

2. Stores and businesses often flatten boxes to reduce the room they take up in the recycling containers. That means unless you’re Stretch Armstrong, you’re not getting at them.

3. Many places put their bins behind security gates and so they’re inaccessible.

But I was undeterred. I should have quit before I started.

At one place, I found a good-sized box, unflattened, lying right on the top of a heap. Except it was comingled with regular garbage.

Food garbage.

I put it in my car anyway.

I drove ten feet and the stinkage punched me right in the face and I had to put it back.

At another location, I found a giant unflattened box, but it’s too tall to be helpful, has no lid and it’s stupid and my sister probably won’t want it.

I put it in my car anyway and now I have to get rid of it because I’m dumb and don’t know how to shop properly for boxes.

I thought I hit the mother lode behind a strip mall, where I found boxes sitting under a roof. They are dry!

Except they turned out to be thick, wax-coated boxes used for produce and they were heavy as hell. They also had fruit and vegetable pieces stuck to them, which I’m sure I didn’t want to touch.

I did find a medium square box with handles (!!!!) in one dumpster, but I had trouble grabbing it out from under other things because the bin lid was too heavy and I needed a third arm.

I don’t have a third arm, so I used my head to hold it up.

And then rainwater from the lid splashed down upon me and right into the box. I had to let it go.

And now I’m wet. Wet dumpster diving is even less fun, I assure you.

Another dozen stops with no box to be had, I’m fed up and decide to go home.

On the way, I had a glimmer of hope when I approached a college campus where I thought there might be office paper boxes, computer boxes or any other freaking kind of box.

I instantly realized I was in the wrong place at the wrong time because I hit serious traffic, half of which were cops.


Because Michelle Obama is giving a speech at that college.

Of course she is.

On my dumpster diving night.

Even if I did try looking in their dumpsters, this is exactly the sort of thing that’d make CNN with a headline like, oh, I don’t know, Woman Suspected of Hiding Bomb in Dumpster Arrested Minutes Before First Lady Speech.

That’s it. I’m done. One and half hours of fruitless labor.

It could have been great. I could have had a thousand boxes. It could have been a Box Miracle.

boxesExcept for this, which I found at every other place I drove by.

So many, so tidy, so hands off.

You know what I’m going to ask now, don’t you?

Anyone got any boxes? I’ll come pick ‘em up. I swear I don’t smell like garbage anymore.


So As Not To Squish a Cat

Posted by Kathy on July 23rd, 2012

This is what it’s come to:


This is a Post-It note, stuck to a blanket on our couch.

It’s there to warn descending buttocks that a cat is sleeping under it.

Our cat Lucky is one of the strangest cats I’ve owned. Since Day 1 of living in our house, he’s always slept under blankets.

Even when it’s hot in the house. I don’t understand how the boy can breathe under there.

This oddity, I will admit, is a bit annoying at times. Whenever he sees you lying down anywhere under a blanket, he must get under there too.

He’ll grab and stab at the blanket until someone lifts it and he can burrow slowly into his cocoon.

Most bothersome is when he does this after I’ve already burritto’d myself up to my neck in a perfect assembly of blankets. Then I have to partially unburrito myself and wait until he’s circled around and found the perfect spot on top of my legs.

Then you know you’re never getting up unless you move the sleeping blob, blankets and all.

Then if you want to get back under, good luck slipping your body back under the new assemblage, now with a cat in it.

A cat who won’t hesitate to let you know how annoyed he is that you’ve upset his 18th hour of beauty sleep today. Because, you know, it’s all about him.

What we do for our pets.


So, where do your weirdo pets like to sleep?

I’m Still Here

Posted by Kathy on July 19th, 2012

Hi, peeps!

I had a panic attack this morning, where I thought if I didn’t get something up on this here blog, you’d all leave me and never look back.

I’M STILL HERE! Just got some family stuff going on that’s sucking my time and energy, not to mention any sort of creativity that makes for good blogging.


I promise to get back to writing as soon as I can.

In other business, in ten days I will achieve five years of blogging. There will be cake because five blogging years is like 35 in dog years.

Or something.

Please don’t leave me now.