Harry Potter, As Told By the Only Person Alive Who Hasn’t Read the Series or Seen the Movies
Posted by Kathy on July 23rd, 2011 They ask me how it’s possible.
How is it that I’ve missed out on the greatest story ever told this side of the Bible?
How is it that I don’t know Harry Potter?
Part of the reason is that when my sister loaned me the first book in the series, I didn’t make it past the first 25 pages or so.
Because poor Harry was locked in a closet under the steps by mean relatives after his parents were killed. Or something.
That’s as far as I got before I was too sad to continue. Despite encouragement from friends and family to give it another shot – and that I’d be well-rewarded if I did – I never picked it up again.
I also never saw a single Potter movie.
So I missed the multi-bazillion dollar franchise that even newborn babies knew about because their mothers read them the books while they were pregnant.
I do know bits and pieces of the story because you can’t avoid hearing about it unless you’ve been in a coma for 15 years.
So here is the story of Harry Potter, as told by someone who doesn’t know Harry Potter.
Harry’s parents are killed by some mean guy. Voldemort? I think he’s the guy they call “He Who Shall Not Be Named.”
An owl visits Harry at the house of his mean relatives and tells him to go to a train station. If he blasts through a wall at just the right spot, he’ll be transported to Hogwarts, a school for wizards.
Harry is a wizard.
We know this because there’s a lightening bolt tattooed to his forehead. I think it makes him extra special, right?
Harry also wears big round Carol Channing glasses.
He meets a red-headed kid on the train on the way to Hogwarts.
They meet a chick, Hermaine.
Is Harry sweet on her? I do not know.
Everyone at the school wears black graduation gowns and carries wands.
They do wizardy things at the wizard school.
They fly. Do they fly? Yes, I think they fly.
They also morph into animals and other things when the situation warrants. Maybe? I do not know.
There are muggles. I don’t know what muggles are, but they sound like furry slippers to me. Are they furry slippers?
Some gigantic, hairy man tells Harry he can avenge his parents’ murder by … by…. I do not know. Killing Voldemort?
How does he do this?
All together now! I do not know!
I’m sure there was some other stuff in between all that. Five, six, seven books’ worth and maybe one million words? I missed a few.
And thus concludes my knowledge of Harry Potter. How’d I do?
Are you mortified I don’t know the story? Is my life incomplete? Do you want to nail me down to a chair and make me read it, at least until I know what a muggle is?
Are there any of you out there who are Harry Potter-ignorant like me?
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