It’s Hard Being Me
Posted by Kathy on July 25th, 2010 It’s really a wonder I can function at all.
Yesterday I had to get gas for the lawn mower and while pumping the gas was uneventful, driving it home in the trunk of my car caused a three-alarm panic attack.
As soon as I pulled out of the gas station, I started imagining every possible scenario that would cause the gas container to spontaneously explode and render me extra crispy.
Is the cap on tightly enough? Is the cap on too tightly? Will it fall over and spill? Will the fumes knock me out?
Will the heat of the day boil it and make it explode? Can you survive an explosion if it’s at the rear of the car and not in the front?
An ambulance pulled out in front of me and I thought surely, if my car explodes, the driver will see it and render aid quickly. So I followed him as long as possible.
I released my seat belt so in case my car blew up, I could get out fast.
I had a headache when I pulled in the driveway, but at least I hadn’t been blown to bits. Is there anyone reading this who doesn’t think it’s a bad idea for me to be anywhere near gasoline?
Today brought more car challenges.
I used my husband Dave’s car to run errands so I could get used to driving it. I plan to take a road trip next Saturday and wanted to make sure I was comfortable with all the bells and whistles his car has that mine doesn’t.
Before I even got in it, I worried that I would set off the alarm and not know how to turn it off. Of course, because I’m me, this happened the minute I left the first store.
I did what every noob does with keyless entry cars and pressed ALL the buttons at once to make the alarm stop.
Unbeknownst to me, one of those buttons is the trunk latch release.
When I got home, I noticed the TRUNK OPEN light on and almost chastised Dave for letting me drive his car with the trunk open. An hour later, I realized it was me who opened it with the button ten miles ago. By the way, I try to blame all my shortcomings on my husband. Just doin’ my job.
I took another trip to a store later in the day and when I was about to come home, it started to pour. OK, now I have to figure out where the headlight controls are, as well as the wipers.
Wipers, no problem.
Headlights? WTF.
I had to call Dave to ask where the controls were and let me tell you, they are in a very stupid place on a Ford Fusion, way over to the side and low, not even on the steering wheel. Who does that?
I set my GPS to take me home (even though I was only 15 miles away) and all goes swimmingly well until I inexplicably ignored the GPS lady’s instructions and got off one expressway for another.
“Recalculating, recalculating,” she says.
I miss two opportunities to turn around and the GPS lady says “Dumbass! Dumbass!”
Ignoring her, I stayed on the wrong road and added 12 miles to my 15 mile trip home.
I am exhausted. Is it any wonder?
More importantly, why does my husband — who knows me inside out — think he could just tell me I’ll be fine jumping in his car and going?
I’m never fine. I’m a panic-stricken, instruction-needing, GPS-is-not-enough train wreck.
I think I need assisted living. Not an old folks home. Just an assistant. For living.
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