Unintended Electroshock Therapy
Posted by Kathy on March 5th, 2010 Finally. The weather’s perking up around here and I got out for a long walk today with my jam-packed iPod of dance tunes. If anyone saw me walking, they either knew I had downloaded the best music ever, or wondered whether I was having a spasm and thought they should call 911.
I’m not afraid to dance-walk-spaz in public. It ain’t pretty, but you get to a certain age when you just don’t care anymore what people think of you.
But I didn’t find my groove right away.
First, I suffered through five minutes of electroshock therapy, courtesy of my iPod.
It seems that if it’s dry enough and that if you create enough static when you walk, that static builds up in the device and finds its way out through the path of least resistance.
That path was straight to my ears.
For the first five minutes of my walk, I couldn’t figure out how to stop shocking myself in the head.
I kept the iPod in my pocket.
Shock. Owwww!
I held the iPod in my hand.
Zzzzzzzppp. Aieeeeeee!!!!
I realized that the long black Matrix coat I was wearing created enough friction brushing against my legs that I repeatedly got shocked once a block.
I tried holding the coat close enough to my body to keep it from brushing against me but that didn’t work either. I finally gave up and removed it all together.
Luckily, the sun was out full force and I’d been walking fast enough, albeit painfully, to sweat a little and fend off the cold.
Has this ever happened to you and your ear buds? Or do I just have a super-electric personality? Yea, that’s gotta be it.
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