What’s That Smell?

Posted by Kathy on October 20th, 2009

smell 4:15 AM

Me: Dave, I think there’s a fire in the house.

Hubs: What?

Me: It smells like fire.

Hubs: What? Go back to sleep.

Me: Wait. No. It smells like burnt coffee.

Hubs: Uh. No. It’s a skunk.

Me: Is not.

Hubs: Skunk sprayed outside.

Me: Maybe the furnace is broken.

Hubs: Skunk.

Me, on the floor, smelling the heating vent: Well, it’s not the heat.

Hubs: Skunk.

Me: I swear, it smells like burnt coffee. Maybe the cats turned on the coffee maker somehow. The pot’s not empty. Remember how Lucky called your brother stepping on my cell phone? He could totally turn on the coffee maker.

Hubs: It’s a skunk. And if you say one more thing, I’m putting a pillow over your head.

Bent Objects, The Book!

Posted by Kathy on October 18th, 2009

book I’ve been following the blog Bent Objects for a couple years now. The man behind the blog, Terry Border, is an uber-talented photographer and artist who marries everyday objects and wire to tell a story.

Some of his pieces are funny, some are heartbreaking, some are twisted and a few have taken me a beat to figure out. I love art that makes me think.

Terry recently published a book of his works called Bent Objects: The Secret Life of Everyday Things. Some pieces are from the blog, but many more are brand new. Congratulations, Terry! You’ve achieved something that most bloggers only dream about. I’m just a wee bit jealous. OK. A lot jealous.

I cracked open my copy today and leafed greedily through it much like a bag of potato chips. One led to another and before I knew it I was stuffed and happy. I wish I had half of Terry’s wit.

With his permission, I’m republishing a few of the pieces that appeared on his blog to let you get inside Terry’s head. Enjoy!


Pretty Cupcakes 


Yesterday’s Flowers


Horror S’morer

For a fun and funky look at more of his pieces that didn’t make it into the book, check out his rockin’ promo video:

If you’re interested in reading about where Terry gets his inspiration and want to see more of his work, the book is available from both Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Blogger’s note: I received no compensation for this article. I bought the book and wrote about it because I’m in love with Terry. Don’t tell my husband.

Objectum Sexuality

Posted by Kathy on October 14th, 2009

1001-nachts What in the wide, wide, world of sports is going on with some people?

Little tip here. You have to read the following very carefully. This is the opening to an actual article from a New Jersey paper, The Trentonian.

They courted for more than ten years before she finally popped the question.

Amy Wolfe had experienced a decade of ups and downs with her lover but wanted to move forward with her romance.

So, Wolfe, 33, a Pennsylvania church organist, will go ahead with her plans to marry an amusement ride at Knoebels Amusement Park in the Poconos.

Wolfe claims to have objectum sexuality, a condition that makes sufferers attracted to inanimate objects — in this case she’s head over heels for an 80-foot gondola ride called 1001 Nachts.

Read the whole article here. Really. You gotta read it. There’s another woman who had a tryst with the Berlin Wall, but whose “heart and soul belongs to the Eiffel Tower.”



People are insane.

I have far too many questions about this woman, so I’ll just leave it at this: If you happened to lose your senses and wanted to marry an object, what would it be?

Me first.

If I divorce my husband for anything, it’s going to be my laptop. Me and my blog partner. Forever.

I, Kathy, take thee Dell laptop, to be my wedded object, to have and to type upon from this day forward, for better or for worse, for more blog subscribers or for loss of readers, in backup disaster or in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death or hardware failure. This is my solemn and ludicrous vow.

You next!

Coffee No. 4

Posted by Kathy on October 10th, 2009

Holy cow! It’s been over a year since I last posted something for the Food That Looks Like Stuff series. It’s not that I haven’t been looking. I’m still searching for the elusive Virgin Mary on a Pop Tart.

I’m pleased to bring you a submission that ends the yearlong drought. Thank you, reader Louise Pena!


Coffee No. 4

Wouldn’t this cup of coffee go great with Bagel #9?


If you’re a new reader and want to see some past foods that look like something, check these out:

Nice Try, Spell Checker

Posted by Kathy on October 8th, 2009

Don’t we have enough to worry about with the people in our lives thinking they know what’s better for us?

Now software wants to get into the act?

My sister Marlene emailed this to me today. It’s a screen snapshot of a co-worker’s Lotus Notes program.

The screen shot came attached with a note: “Things just aren’t making a whole lot of sense today.”

No kidding.


What’s the matter, brainless program whose opinion wasn’t asked for? Not feelin’ the 16th vibe?

Kinda like ordering surf ‘n turf and getting a salad.

Thanks. But no.