Posted by Kathy on October 6th, 2009
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.backwards moving I’m like feel I
Posted by Kathy on September 30th, 2009
Is cursive handwriting dead?
Ah, I remember fondly learning how to write cursive in grade school. My teacher used a funky metal contraption that held three pieces of chalk in alignment and then she dragged it across the blackboard to prepare for our lessons.
The first step produced this:
The second step was to go back and erase part of the middle line to form dashes. This way, you learned where your lower and upper case cursive writing went in relation to the dotted line.
I barely write in cursive anymore, mostly because most everything I write, save grocery lists, is on a PC.
When I do, something strange happens. I tend to mix printed letters with cursive ones. Why? No idea.
Here’s an example:
I don’t know if schools even teach cursive writing anymore. If you have kids in grade school, do they come home with practice lessons in handwriting? Someone please tell me it’s not dead yet.
So, other than signing your name on paperwork, do you write cursive anymore?
Posted by Kathy on September 26th, 2009
Each September my town hosts the Celtic Classic Highland Games & Festival, a celebration of Celtic culture with music, food and athletic competitions involving big burly men.
In kilts.
Here’s an example of a kilt-clad burly man throwing a 56lb. (25.5kg) block across the grass, as I stood on the sidelines hoping the officials knew when to duck.
One of the longest food lines was at this stand. If you don’t know what it is, I suggest you stay ignorant. It’s not for the weak of stomach.
If you don’t look it up, perhaps you can guess what’s in it by looking at it on a plate. And, no, it’s not impolite to ask a complete stranger if you can take a picture of his haggis. As long as you ask nicely. I didn’t even have to flash my blogger badge.
Looks a little like cat food, no? Meow.
About a thousand men walked the grounds in really gorgeous kilts, some with cute knees to match. It’s easy to get used to seeing men in skirts when they look like this.
Not half-bad!
Or this. Beautiful!
But then there’s this. GI Joe kilt!
And then ….. well. This.
Gotta hand it to this guy. Nobody’s gonna make fun of him for wearing a skirt. Nobody.

Posted by Kathy on September 24th, 2009
Congratulations go to Grant, commenter #7, who was the first to guess that yesterday’s What’s That item was a Scrabble tile rack. To make things more challenging, I turned the rack on its side and shot it on the short end. Grant, you have a keen eye! Your prize is in the mail.
For those of you still in a guessing mood, head over to Bill White’s blog. Bill is a columnist for my local newspaper, The Morning Call.
He found an item in his basement that he can’t identify and wants some help from his readers. He also gave me a nice shoutout for my little What’s That contests and made it sound like I know what I’m doing. Thanks, Bill. You’re aces!
Posted by Kathy on September 23rd, 2009
Today’s What’s That Wednesday is probably so easy I’ll regret putting it up. Of course, I’ve claimed before that something was so easy, only to have you guys go all crankypants on me.
Please don’t yell at me if you find it too hard. I’m still smarting from that math post the other day, wherein I posted something too easy.
How to play:
1. Simple. What is this?
2. First person to guess the object wins a Junk Drawer magnet and a mystery prize.
What’s that?
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