My First Road Trip Alone
Posted by Kathy on May 9th, 2009 Next weekend I’m taking my first ever road trip alone. This should worry every single one of you, for I am The Queen of Getting Lost. You earn that title by losing your way only two tenths of a mile from your house.
Despite that, I agreed to drive 180 miles to meet up with three of my favorite bloggers, Bryan of Unfinished Rambler, his wife Kim of Dispatches from the Outpost, and Jenn of Cabbages and Kings.
For the record, I have never driven alone more than 30 miles from my home.
Am I nervous? Yes. Is my husband nervous? Crazy more. Have I considered all the things that can go wrong from here to there? Only since the day I agreed to this insanity.
But for every problem, there is a solution.
1. What if I get lost only ten miles from home? Solution: Turn around, shake my head, and ask myself why I thought I could do this.
2. What if the GPS breaks? Solution: See if I can finish navigating with my Mapquest directions.
3. What if the GPS breaks and my Mapquest directions get sucked out a window? Solution: Call my husband to come get me.
4. What if the GPS breaks, my Mapquest directions get sucked out a window, and my cell phone dies? Solution: Pull over and commence meltdown.
5. What if the GPS breaks, my Mapquest directions get sucked out a window, my cell phone dies, I have a meltdown and nobody stops to help me? Solution: Lock the doors, sleep in my car and have a nightmare about all the murderers waiting for a sitting duck like me, in which case this will be my last post. It was great knowing you.
If I do actually make it there, I likely won’t blog during the weekend. But I will tweet and update on Facebook. So check there next Friday afternoon to see if I’m alive.
If I’m a no-show, send a search party. I’ll be sobbing quietly somewhere in the middle of Pennsylvania.
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