For Those of You With Kids in College

Posted by Kathy on January 21st, 2009

penguins I work on a college campus. If you have kids in college located in a city where it snows in winter, I’ve got some helpful advice.

Your kids need pants. Particularly the boys.

See, it’s been like 10 degrees for the last week, and yet I’ve seen at least four students walking around campus in shorts.

Any kid smart enough to attend the university where I work is smart enough to know about hypothermia.

So the only reason for this insanity is that you haven’t been sending them enough pants. They need a care package, pronto!

Oh, and send socks, too. I saw a kid yesterday wearing flip flops.

If you want to know what else your kids are doing at college, ask me. I’ve seen everything. Strike that. You don’t want to know.

Windy’s 300th Day Stuck in the Tree

Posted by Kathy on January 16th, 2009

Today marks the 300th day that our bag Windy has been stuck in the tree outside my building at work. I’ll have you know I braved single-digit temperatures and an intense fear of heights to get this shot.

No one is surprised anymore to see me out on the roof. I don’t know if that’s good or bad.


I Would Make a Lousy Judge

Posted by Kathy on January 15th, 2009

Don’t ever let me judge a contest of any kind. Yesterday’s What’s That Wednesday drew three guesses that were so close to being correct that I’ve decided to award prizes to all of them. Hell, if I could afford it, you’d all win!

The object pictured was the top of a salt grinder.

whatsthat salt_grinder

Here’s how the winning answers came in:

Michelle of Hartz Design guessed it was a pepper grinder. Got the grinder right, wrong seasoning.

Kev at Special Kind of Stupid guessed it was a salt shaker. Got the right seasoning, wrong container.

Laurelei of Maybe It’s Me guessed exactly right that it’s a salt grinder.

I’ll contact all of you shortly to see what prize you’d like. Since none of you use Entrecard, you can pick either a Junk Drawer magnet or the mystery prize, which may or may not be a goat.

For this contest, I’m also awarding a prize to Ken of Ken Armstrong Writing Stuff because I thought he had the best wrong answer: a spool on a VHS tape.

Thanks to everyone who played!

What’s That Wednesday

Posted by Kathy on January 14th, 2009

Crappity crap crap. Writer’s block strikes again!

This is bad because it means you’re getting a What’s That? Wednesday so soon after the last one. But it’s good for me because I don’t have to do any thinkin’ or writin’ and stuff. Muh head hurts when I do that.

How to play:

1. The photo shows a small portion of a larger object.

2. First person to guess the object it’s a part of wins either 500 Entrecard credits, a Junk Drawer magnet, or a mystery prize!

Yes, just like Let’s Make a Deal, you can opt for what’s behind Door #2. Careful, though. It might be a goat. And he’ll be real angry going through the mail. Choose wisely if you win!


OK, so what is it?

CONTEST CLOSED: Find out what it is and see who won!

The Lady on the Bench

Posted by Kathy on January 10th, 2009


I’ve been sitting here, what? Three years, three winters, and someone finally realizes I might be cold? I shouldn’t complain. At least someone thought to give me the scarf. It’s soft and beautiful, but a blanket and butt-warmer are really what I need.

I also can’t turn my head, my legs are killing me and my sciatica is really acting up. Beyond the pain, I’m extremely bored looking at these few squares in the pavement. For three days in the fall, I stared at a wet leaf that just wouldn’t blow away. Drove me insane.

Last winter when a guy cleared snow, he almost ripped my foot off with the plow. Easy, dude. I live here!

My nose runs a lot in this weather and I know you can’t really see my purse, but there are Kleenex in there that I’ve been dying to get at. They’re so close, yet so far.

Two nice ladies walked by me today and took my picture. I wish they would have sat down and talked to me because, twenty feet away, this is my permanent company. He’s been asking me out for a year. Why am I a creep magnet?


Hi! I’m a dork.

Blogger’s Note: Click here to see reader Richard Wall’s wonderful interactive panoramic view of this location.