Posted by Kathy on November 1st, 2008
To get away from Bob of Survivor. People kept confusing them for twins and the chicken was insulted.

Dude, eat something. Anything. Grass, bugs, another contestant. Something.
Posted by Kathy on October 28th, 2008
A client came to my office today to ask for password help on his laptop. While I worked on it, he glanced around my cubicle and noticed a movie poster for It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World on my wall.
That’s one of my all-time favorite flicks and I learned it was one of his, too.
After exchanging a few laughs about the film, he asked me if I saw it in Cinerama when it first came out.
He remembered watching it in a theater with three screens side by side, where the film was projected in widescreen across all of them.
He said at first it was weird to view a movie like that, as you were distracted by the lines separating the screens from one another. But after a while you got used to it and your eyes stopped noticing it.
This post is not a study of cinematography. This post is about the crime perpetrated upon me.
Did you catch it? He asked me if I saw it when it first came out.
The movie was released in 1963.
I wouldn’t be born for another two years.
I know I have a couple gray hairs, but is it worse than that? Do I need a face lift? Maybe a little Botox? God, how old do I look?
Pass me a tissue. I think I’m going to cry.
Posted by Kathy on October 26th, 2008
I’m pretty sure when you do the Weight Watchers thing you’re not supposed to eat this many in a day and a half, even if they are only 2 points each.
Overindulge on laughs at
Posted by Kathy on October 24th, 2008
I’m pleased to announce the winner of this week’s What’s That? Wednesday contest. Ron of the Vent blog was the first to guess correctly that it’s the tip of a battery-operated nose hair trimmer. Or, if you have particularly hairy ears, you can use it there, too.
Congratulations Ron! I’ll contact you shortly. Since you are not an Entrecard user, it looks like you’re getting a Junk Drawer magnet.
Thanks for playing, everyone! Look for another What’s That? contest in two weeks.
Commence with the guessing about who in our household uses this thing for what kind of wayward hairs. Or not. Yeah, let’s not.
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