The Tiniest Woolly Mammoth

Posted by Kathy on May 31st, 2008

The Junk Drawer is branching out. Not only are readers submitting photos of Food That Looks Like Stuff, now we have Stuff That Looks Like Stuff!

One of my dear, faithful readers, Babs of Beetle’s Memories ‘n Ramblings sent me this fluff of wool that she removed from a pair of slipper socks. She says when she set it aside, this little cutie revealed itself.


creature b-w

Click to enlarge

Now, here’s the question: What exactly does it look like to you? I see a moose. Babs sees “an elephant’s back half and a head with huge ears.  It might be carrying something on its back.”

I’m sorry, folks. Not only do you need to look for food that resembles something. You’re going to have to examine everything you come in contact with during the day. You didn’t have anything better to do with your time, did you?

Babs, thank you for your submission! I’ll send you a Junk Drawer magnet if you’d like one.

And check out Babs’ other blogs if you’re looking for some new, fun places to visit:

The Cream Team: “A place for people interested in the arts & entertainment.”

Beetle’s Photos: Some stunning and beautiful nature and animal photos.

Simplycats: “My Beautiful Cats – Past and Present.”

What a Pinhead

Posted by Kathy on May 30th, 2008

Wed 002 pinhead: (pinhed’) n.

1. dumbell: an ignorant or foolish person.

2. Slang. A stupid person; a dunce.

When I was little and looked at old black and white pictures, I thought it meant that there was no color.

Not that there was no color film. Rather, that there was no color in the world.

I’d ask if anyone had a more stupid idea in their heads, but I don’t think it’s possible.

This is Not a Poo Picture

Posted by Kathy on May 27th, 2008

I’m paying reparations today for a picture I posted yesterday with a story about poo. I thought I’d try to erase that foul image in your heads with a pretty picture of a planter I assembled a few years ago.

pretty planter

When you care to plant the very best.

Oh, and this is what the same planter looks like this year after completely ignoring it and using it as a garbage can. Hey, I never said I had a green thumb. And you all know how lazy I am. Is it any surprise it looks like this?

dead planter

When you just don’t care anymore.

And just when I thought I might be OK with my laziness, I find this post by my friend Jeff from View From the Cloud. He wanted to replace a swinging bench out in his backyard.

So he built one just by looking at a picture of one he liked. I hang my big, fat lazy head in shame.

Why, Jeff? Why must you torment me?

Clean Up in Cubicle 4

Posted by Kathy on May 25th, 2008

Anyone who works in an office environment comes to expect certain things:

1. Staff will always be a little slow-moving on Monday mornings.

2. Meetings will always run later than expected.

3. No one ever wants to make the next pot of coffee.

4. The copy machine needs paper the second you’re about to use it.

5. Staff don’t clean the kitty litter box often enough, which is a shame because everyone knows cats will go anywhere they please when it’s not kept spotless.

is that what I think it is

Yes, it’s exactly what you think it is.

My sister Marlene works at what I thought was a cat-free, poo-free insurance company. When she sent it to me, the first thing I wrote her was “You’ve GOT to be kidding me.”

She reported back, “We found it in our office this morning. No one knows how it got there.”

I replied, “Who disposed of it, and more importantly, can I blog about it?”

Marlene replied, “One of the guys picked it up and Gina sprayed Bath & Body Wash on the spot, but we have no Lysol….Yes, you can blog about it, in fact, the lunch bunch said you would have a field day with this….”

She and her colleagues have two theories:

1. A cat or other animal got in somehow – maybe Louie – he’s a cat that roams outside. Somebody in one of the buildings of our industrial park feeds him, but he’s allowed to roam.

2. The cleaning people brought their pet.

My money’s on Louie. All I’m gonna say is they should be real happy that Louie left his calling card in an obvious, open space. Otherwise, I’d hate to be the poor soul who sits down at his desk Monday morning, bleary-eyed from the weekend, only to find a fresh Tootsie Roll next to the keyboard.

What’s that saying? All the world’s your litter box?

Oh, and God bless the person who thought to take this picture. I love that it was the first thing someone did before cleaning it up. There’s a Junk Drawer magnet for you if you want it.

Do You Know the Muffin Man?

Posted by Kathy on May 23rd, 2008

Today we have the first ever Food That Looks Like Stuff submission from my sister, Ann of the Shampoo Bag.

I give you, The Muffin Man.

Do you know the muffin man 

Do you know the muffin man?

These little blueberry guys are given out to post-surgical patients where Ann works. I’m guessing it’s so they get a quick energy boost after not having eaten prior to surgery.

This reminds me of the last time I tried and failed to donate blood. I have hard-to-find veins and, try as they might, the folks trying to get blood from me just couldn’t do it. I left the chair disappointed, and wanted to leave, but they require you to sit down in the refreshments area and have cookies and juice.

I shamefully ate my snacks, glancing around at those who actually bled for their food, thinking I had no business eating my allotment of Vienna fingers. It was the only time in my life I felt guilty shoveling fistfuls of cookies in my pie hole.

* Advanced apologies to anyone who clicks that photo caption and has the song in their heads the rest of the day.