It’s a Conspiracy, I Tell You
Stuff I hate January 5th, 2008My husband hit the jackpot when he married me. Not because I’m a knockout (I’m not), and not because I can cook (I can’t). And certainly not because I need to keep up with the Joneses (that’s a race that never ends).
The reason he hit the jackpot is because I’m extremely low-maintenance. I’m a no-frills, simple girl who doesn’t need to have all the latest designer fashions, jewelry or expensive home interiors.
Which is why it makes no sense to me that it took three weeks, hours of online searching and nine stores to find a simple pair of black shoes. The kind of simple shoe that kindergartners would draw when asked to draw a shoe. The process shouldn’t have been so hard, it wasn’t fair and I’ve begun to think there’s a conspiracy against me.
It starts out with the day I discovered the heel separating from the right shoe of a pair that I loved. The shoe went from perfectly normal to crap in about a week. I can’t understand why. Both my legs are the same length, I do not have a limp, and I never ran the New York Marathon in them. Its partner is just fine. Righty has issues.
Just when I thought I should enter it into Ripley’s Believe It or Not as the Freak Shoe of a Freak-Footed Woman, I was relieved to read I’m not the only one with inexplicable clothing disintegration issues. My friend Jeff has a peculiar problem with wearing out only the left knee of his jeans. We are two peas in a pod. Abnormal, anatomically-disadvantaged peas in a pod.
Soon after my shoe started falling apart, I began my search for a replacement pair. Naturally, I thought I could just go online: Punch in Croft & Barrow. Click. Add to Cart. Click. Done. Then I remembered nothing is that easy for me. Not furniture or lamp or cake shopping. What made me think shoe shopping would be any different?
I’m not a total moron. I understand that shoe styles change from year to year, and that if you find a pair you really love, you should buy every single one in the store. Otherwise, you’ll never find them again. I’ve done that in the past with other shoes, but never in my wildest nightmares did I imagine I’d have such trouble finding a pair of plain black, lace-up shoes with a rubber sole. The store I bought them from doesn’t carry this style anymore. Shame on you, Kohl’s. You sold me a shoe I loved and then you took it away.
Here’s my opinion about the state of shoes today. Stores should always carry a base supply of regular shoes that have no buckles, snaps, clasps or adornment of any kind. After that, designers are perfectly welcome to go ahead, take their LSD and make shoes like these. When I did a general online search for "black lace-up shoes," these were among the selections:
I did not type in Frankenstein, Dominatrix or Elton John. I typed black, lace-up shoes. Period. I fast ran out of patience browsing the 1,001 ridiculous ones and concluded it was unwise to order unfamiliar shoes online anyway. I wear shoes between a size 7 1/2 and 9, depending on the brand. It was best to try them on.
The week before Christmas, I stopped and browsed at six different shoe or department stores. Nothing. I would come home each night shoeless, and Dave would give me a "You’ll do better tomorrow" hug and hope a simple black shoe would magically make itself known to me.
After four days of striking out, I awoke one morning to find Dave had left this note for me on the fridge. Funny guy.
I gave up searching for a while, then the day after New Year’s, we traveled around town hitting up all the stores I hadn’t been to before. I thought I’d get lucky at a new upscale outdoor mall nearby. According to their website, they had ten shoe stores. Ten! This HAD to be the place.
I hit up L.L. Bean first and thought I had a winner. I picked out a black, lace-up shoe I marginally liked, and stood there waiting for a sales person to help me. At least three other women stood around with a single shoe in their hands waiting for someone to assist them, too. I could see never getting waited on, so I gave up and put the shoe back on the shelf. Strike one.
We sought out the rest of the stores at the mall. Turns out, of the nine remaining stores, one sold only sneakers, one was a men’s store, three weren’t even in business yet and the other four only sold dress shoes. I hate you, 10-shoe-store mall! Strike two.
We soldiered on to the one remaining place to get shoes: a crowded, high-traffic mall that I never shop at unless I’m desperate. I hit up a JC Penney’s first and while perusing their selections, I overheard a woman complaining to a salesman: "I bought my favorite pair here last year, and you keep changing the styles. I can’t find them anywhere now!" I turned around to her and said "It’s a conspiracy." The salesman, wearing a pair of nice, plain black shoes, looked at us weird and offered up nothing. We ladies just shook our heads and walked away. Strike three. I’m out.
Wait…. maybe not.
There was one other department store in the mall I hadn’t checked — Boscov’s. This time, Dave didn’t come into the store with me, since he was tiring of our strike-outs. Better to just sit in the car, avoid my madness, and pray to himself that when I emerge from the store, I would be carrying a bounty of shoe boxes and we could get on with our lives, full to the brim with simple black shoes.
I hit a home run. Right out of the park!
Boscov’s had a simple black pair of shoes I loved. Not even lace-up! I almost kissed the salesman when he brought me this pair of shoes and they fit perfectly! Hello, Clark’s "Music"! My only disappointment was that they had just one pair in my size. No matter. I can order more from them online, knowing the brand and size. My prayers were finally answered.
I’ve just ordered two extra pairs, and as long as my feet don’t suddenly get fat, I’m golden. I’ll be in plain black shoes for years to come. Like everything else in my shopping life, this was an ordeal that tells me I’m being punished for something. I just don’t know for what.
Imagine if I was high-maintenance……

January 5th, 2008 at 4:34 pm
I tend to wear-out my right shoe often – I put a bit more weight on my right leg when I walk – and I am quite weighty !
I always go for the blackest pair running shoes there is because then I can wear it to work, school, playground, mall, parties – everywhere ! The one I’ve got right now is by B.U.M.
Your new pair is a great style !
January 5th, 2008 at 5:04 pm
The whole time I was reading this, I was playing Toby Keith’s High Maintenance Woman in my head. This is exactly why I avoid going shopping with my wife if she’s looking for a dress or a pair of shoes. Except for her, every shopping trip could end up with a shoe purchase! Imelda Marcos has nothing on my Mary.
Great post, and I’m glad you found shoes that fit your preferences. One thought though. Did you try combining the word “geriatric” with “black shoes” to find what you were looking for? :-p
Lee’s last blog post..Tag…I’m It
January 5th, 2008 at 5:37 pm
Those really are great shoes. I’m pretty low maintenence too, I’m always sitting around waiting for my HUSBAND to finish getting ready to go.
Marie’s last blog post..The Curious Incident of the Dildo in the Night-time.
January 5th, 2008 at 6:03 pm
Good post today.
I know the feeling and I’m so glad that I’m not the only one who buys in multiples. I still have a pair or two from two years ago. The shoes are cute, too.
January 5th, 2008 at 7:43 pm
Gad, I HATE shoe shopping… on the other hand, daughter LOVES it and drags me with her to add more to her collection whenever she can. She shudders at my few dull pairs (hey, I go for comfort, not style). But it was funny when I found a pair of black Pan boots recently at Walmart for $9 that daughter loves to borrow. Too bad there was only a single pair there too. They are the most comfortable boots I’ve worn in a long time (not counting my mukluks).
Maureen’s last blog post..A New Year, A New Obsession
January 5th, 2008 at 8:10 pm
I have the same problem with finding
“groucho glasses”…………..
gt281’s last blog post..I HATE SHOPPING
January 5th, 2008 at 8:10 pm
I’m weird in a sense of shopping.
I love shopping for clothes, but absolutely hate shopping for shoes!
When I find a pair I want, it’s not in my size. Or it’s too expensive. Or they have my size but the shoe is EXTREMELY ugly.
Yet when clothes shopping, it takes me a looong time just to find a nice shirt! I love trying clothes on!
With shoes…. those store-socks scare me a bit…
January 5th, 2008 at 8:15 pm
I rather shop for shoes than clothes – I am with Jeff @ the Cloud on this one !
January 5th, 2008 at 8:24 pm
I love that note. It’s as good as my husband’s note to me on my purse that said, “you have no money” after he took my last dollar. I’m low maintenance too so when I go out to shop I hate it because it’s rare. I can’t buy a pair of jeans without it being an ordeal.
windyridge’s last blog post..We’ve Come A Long Way Baby
January 5th, 2008 at 8:52 pm
Jaffer — Hmm, maybe I do hit harder on the right, but I’m assuming something was wrong with this shoe to begin with. Has to be, or else I’m in for a lot of shoe-shopping in the future. Shoe vs clothes shopping.. despite this experience, I’d still rather shop for shoes. Clothing is a whole other worse matter for me.
Lee — My original post title was “I’m no Imelda Marcos” but then I didn’t want to spend the first paragraph explaining who she was to anyone under the age of 30. You know, there was a nice pair of “diabetic shoes” I was considering.
Marie — God bless anyone who has to tag along with a shopper on a mission.
Carol — I buy multiples in other things, too. Purses, lipstick, perfume. Never know when your “flavor” will be discontinued.
Maureen — Someday your daughter will know the meaning and necessity of comfort. Right now, she can get away with torture devices. Cool boots for under 10 bucks? They exist?
gt281 — Oh, my. I just read your last post. Glad you survived… barely.
Regan — You have years of unsatisfactory shopping excursions ahead of you. Get used to it. Don’t be afraid of the “peds.” Be afraid of the people who don’t used them when trying on shoes. Ick!! Oh, and glad to hear you are not even uttering the “W” word in the house. Your mother really meant it, didn’t she? Why Ann won’t use the “W” word
Windyridge — You always make me laugh. Hey, at least your husband warned you that you were broke. He gets a couple points for that. Jeans shopping? I’d rather dip myself in honey and crawl into an ant farm.
January 5th, 2008 at 9:05 pm
Wanted: More post-it notes from Dave.
They are: Funny-sophical
BigNerd’s last blog post..Doh! No Power, No Blog.
January 5th, 2008 at 10:03 pm
barely that I survided,, or barely glad?
gt281’s last blog post..I HATE SHOPPING
January 5th, 2008 at 10:37 pm
I have acid pits – the underarms of my shirts disintegrate within months.
I’m sorry to hear about your shoe problems. You could always go around barefoot like our ancestors did. Although if I was trying to imitate my ancestors, at 30 years old as I am now i’d be a grandpa and probably dead.
January 5th, 2008 at 11:54 pm
What a great story. It kicked my pants story in the left knee.
The funny thing is that I bought 3 pairs of the same pants when I FINALLY found ones that I liked as well. We really are two dysfunctional peas in a pod!
Jeff’s last blog post..It’s left for me
January 5th, 2008 at 11:57 pm
I knew there was a reason I liked you. I prefer low maintenance women to the high maintenace, “don’t muss my hair” types.
And I feel your pain about the shoes — I go through this same crap with sneakers. I like a plain black, all smooth leather basketball sneaker, preferably by Nike. I’m wearing a battered pair now I bought in October 2005, but I’m having a problem finding a new pair that meets my specification.
Glad you found a nice style you liked.
Libertine’s last blog post..America’s Ten Most Lustful Cities
January 6th, 2008 at 12:51 am
I am so with you on this. All I want is a plain black lace up leather shoe. That is it, no platforms, no weird ass decoration on the shoe. Just plain black leather. It is damn near impossible to find it. Now I have to wear orthopaedic insoles, it gone from near impossible to completely impossible as all my shoes have to have a removable innersole to fit the orthopaedics. I think I just have to face the fact that I will never wear that style of shoe again. Thank god that make sneakers I can wear or else I would be forced to go around bare footed.
Riayn’s last blog post..Bah Humbug
January 6th, 2008 at 6:56 am
BigNerd — I could probably publish a book of all Dave’s wise-crakin’ post-its, if I’d kept them all these years.
gt281 — Survived 🙂
Mike — Hmmm, how ’bout a barefoot shoe? Nike FiveFingers. Weird, huh?
Jeff — Gotta buy in multiples. I don’t know if I could do it with jeans, though. Too much weight fluctuation up or down. Oh, wait. Make that just “up.”
Libertine — Sneakers seem even worse to me. Those appear to change style monthly. Good luck in your search. When you find a pair, buy ten!
Riayn — I did see some orthopedic black shoes in my online search. I would assume they’d be the most comfortable shoe on the planet. But, yeah, the fact that you have to remove the insole must make your search that much harder. Sneakers to the rescue!
January 6th, 2008 at 10:30 am
Thanks Kathy. That nike five fingers is probably the gayest thing I’ve seen today. Just another corporate cash grab for the idiot masses with too much spending money.
January 6th, 2008 at 11:57 am
I love your new shoes. I love Dave’s note. I hate shoe shopping with the heat of a thousand suns. Great post, Shoeless Joe!
JD’s last blog post..I Play the Telephone Game so you don’t have to
January 6th, 2008 at 2:11 pm
I’m with Lee.. I was humming the same song..I give marks to Dave for going need an AK47 pressed into my back with a trigger happy woman holding it to get me to the mall..extra Marks for Dave for the note…:)
If it makes you feel any better I had the same problem trying to replace my cell phone which I liked..and no I don’t need one that holds ten thousand songs..can email.. surf the web..and change a flat tire…I gave up in disgust..
robert bourne’s last blog post..Letter to Me
January 6th, 2008 at 5:07 pm
That is soooo true! I’m very low maintenance as well…probably why I like you so much. I always wear simple black shoes…drives others crazy. My Sis has shoes for every possible moment, outfit. I have 3 pairs and they’re all very simple & black. LOL And you’re right…they’re hard to find! Congrats! They look great!
DrowseyMonkey’s last blog post..The Book Club
January 6th, 2008 at 5:07 pm
Oh yeah…your hubby sounds like quite a guy…LOL
DrowseyMonkey’s last blog post..The Book Club
January 6th, 2008 at 5:28 pm
Mike — I once saw a picture of a pair of shoes that look like feet. They were gross, but strangely intriguing. I wish I could find it again.
JD — Dave was calling me “Shoeless Joe Kathy” for a week. LOVE my new shoes!!!
Robert — Yes, it makes me feel better. I can understand if we shop for the hard-to-find stuff. It would make sense to go in circles for a while. But when you want something simple, it should be a five minute visit to the store!
DrowseyMonkey – I have a fair amount of shoes, mostly bought to go with a certain outfit that I wore one time. But all my everyday shoes are either black or brown. And comfortable!! No doubt about it. Black goes with mostly everything. p.s. Dave’s a character. It’s never a dull moment around here.
January 6th, 2008 at 6:16 pm
As I was reading your post I was thinking “if she just could find a store selling Clarks, Nurture, or Joseph Seibel she’d be in business.” So I wasn’t too surprised to see that you landed on a Clark’s shoe. Basic black shoes are a must.
Great story.
Chanya’s last blog post..Scavenger Hunt Trivia Contest
January 6th, 2008 at 6:18 pm
Thankfully you found a pair of shoes,at strike two I was getting worried. Things that are so simple can be so hard to find. Good luck finding a simple white t shirt thats neither too short, too baggy, or too see through. Almost impossible.
I buy shoes in multiples also. Three pairs of ballerina flats; black, red, silver. I’ve never worn the black pair, but you just never know.
StephanieC’s last blog post..lazy saturday
January 6th, 2008 at 6:30 pm
Chanya — Now if I had just done a post three weeks ago “Where can I find a black pair of shoes?” I’d have saved myself a lot of trouble. I made a note of your other two styles. You never know if I’ll need them!
StephanieC — Please don’t tell me T-shirts are no different. See — IT’S A CONSPIRACY! That is ridiculous. I’m so into this buying multiples thing. More expensive, but it’ll keep me sane in the long run.
January 6th, 2008 at 8:06 pm
“I did not type in Frankenstein, Dominatrix or Elton John. I typed black, lace-up shoes. ”
I’m still giggling.
January 6th, 2008 at 11:57 pm
Congratulations on your find. I am a practical girl myself. You were very wise to get the extra pairs!
Neena (NeenMachine)’s last blog More Fun with your Photos
January 7th, 2008 at 3:33 pm
Women and shoes…..two things that men will never understand….especially together. I pity your husband.
January 7th, 2008 at 5:11 pm
Two Write Hands — You couldn’t believe the amount of shoes that came up in my search results like that. Those were only a tiny fraction of the insane.
Neena — I feel “shoe empowered” now! I hope the three pairs I’ll have will last a good long while.
lotus07 — You should pity him. I don’t know how he puts up with me.
January 8th, 2008 at 6:45 am
I must be kindred souls with Jeff, because back in late 2006 I wrote the same post. I have leftist leanings, apparently because I always wear out the left knee of my pants.
Hmm, maybe Jeff and I need to start a club.
Congrats on finding shoes and being low maintenance. Low maintenance chicks rule!
cardiogirl’s last blog post..In which I bitch-slapped the Monsignor’s @ss back to Thursday
January 8th, 2008 at 10:56 am
cardiogirl – There’s got to be something to the single knee thing. I’ll make it my mission to figure it out. Are you Catholic like me? Because maybe it’s a all that genuflecting.
Jeff’s last blog post..Humor, Boobs, Snark and More!
January 8th, 2008 at 1:28 pm
Cardiogirl, meet Jeff. Jeff, meet Cardiogirl. If you ever figure out your knee situation, report back. Inquiring minds want to know!
January 8th, 2008 at 3:34 pm
Wow! I need to learn how to type. Here is redo of my last comment:
The last pair of dress shows that I bough,t I purchased on-line. I know, very odd place to buy shoes from. The site is and it is owned by Amazon. Two great things about it:
1. shipping costs -$5 for over night shipping (that means that pay you $5)
2. free returns
Try it out everyone
January 8th, 2008 at 6:01 pm
Douglas — I would be too scared to buy any shoe online. I don’t have much luck with clothing that way, so shoes would be worse for me. Although with free returns, at least I wouldn’t have to pay for all the ones I’d surely be sending back!
January 13th, 2008 at 11:20 pm
Reminds me of the line in the movie: Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium. “I found a pair of shoes I loved in Italy and bought enough to last my lifetime.”
January 14th, 2008 at 6:02 am
Rattln Alont — My two extra pairs came in last week and I tucked them away in a closet. There is always the chance that I’ll need more. I’m wondering if I should buy two more. Would that be obsessive?
January 16th, 2008 at 11:30 am
I hate shopping for shoes, perhaps I should just have shoes made for me. Btw, those online search results look interesting 😀
cyberpunk’s last blog post..Seven Weird Things About Me
January 16th, 2008 at 5:18 pm
Cyberpunk — You could, but it’d cost you a fortune. I actually found black shoes I liked from Zappos, but they were Italian and cost over $400. Geez.
January 17th, 2008 at 3:44 pm
I just read a post at Antique Mommy’s blog about a shoe disintegrating. It really MUST be a conspiracy! (I couldn’t figure out how to link to the post directly, but here is the archive url for the post topic.
Hopefully your shoes don’t have a shelf life…
Enjoyed reading several of your posts today. It’s been awhile since I took the day to just browse blogs.
Ornery’s Wife’s last blog post..300 Posts and My List of 100 Things
January 17th, 2008 at 5:09 pm
Ornery’s Wife — Oh my God. Thank you for sending me that link. What is going on with our shoes??? I could just picture her “show blowout” at a Wal-mart, no less. That’s funny stuff! Good to have you on board!
January 17th, 2008 at 8:18 pm
I’m glad you found the shoes of your dreams… But I still think you should try those patriotic Kiss shoes! MAN those are hysterical!
January 18th, 2008 at 6:42 am
Corrina — I’m going to an 80’s party in the spring, so those boots might work. Hideous, aren’t they?